Are you fully aware of all the details? Creating steps to ensure a great move.

Moving into a new home? We provide steps to ensure a smooth transition, from packing and moving logistics to energetic clearing for a fresh start.


Rewarding Yet Overwhelming Task

Buying or moving into a house or apartment is and can be a rewarding yet overwhelming task.

How to mitigate the best outcome?

Besides all the time that goes into finding the property, all the emotions go along with a move regardless of whether buying or renting.

Understanding all the steps to follow, and making a game plan so extra money isn't paid for two properties.

How much time is there to pack, move, clean up, etc?

This is always underestimated and there is always extra stuff that one misses.

Creating a plan, and having a way to check each box, when complete will help.

More importantly, it is also looking at the energetic footprint being left in the space. Once one has moved in, (or before) you can sense extra energy that doesn't belong to you. This is when an energetic clearing would be of assistance

Getting a home ready

One of the ways you might want to get a home ready is for a new baby.

This is a very exciting time. Is your house ready to welcome the baby? This is more than having the room made up. It is about getting it ready energetically.

There was a family that came to me regarding this very thing. More importantly, they had just bought a home and this was going to be a big shift for the family, especially after renting for many years.

Once they moved in, they had trouble with their son staying in his room.

Meanwhile, the second child is on its way. Nobody is getting any sleep and this starts changing the dynamics.

The old saying, if these walls could talk. Here is what the response is, they do.

With a process, the unwanted energy was cleared and removed. This allowed everyone to sleep, their son stayed in his room and when the baby girl arrived, everyone was excited.