Are you in the rhythm? Being present to whatever the child/children are doing?

Parenting sensitive children can be overwhelming. We offer solutions to create structure, routine, and inclusion in decision-making for your child's well-being. We help you navigate the challenges of raising intuitive and empathic children.


Creating Solutions to Manage an Ever-Changing World

More and more children are being born very sensitive to the higher energies that is coming in with this time.

It is more than food or not liking something, they are looking for structure and rhythm or, more importantly, it is about a sense of being included in decisions. Yes, this can be overwhelming for a parent who already has a lot of things on their plate.

Not preparing the food, and clothes and having everything ready the night before, would be essential for a sensitive child.

What will help them sleep better at night knowing the routine is set? This helps to keep things down, so they are more prepared for the day.

Night terrors are usually the spirit of someone you or someone else in the house knows and who is coming to the child while they're asleep.

Most of the time the monster in the closet or under the bed is the spirit. The reason they get scared is they don't know who the person is.

There is a process that can help with this.

You also need to understand that these children are highly intuitive and are more aware than we were at the same age. It's about looking at it as a gift rather than a challenge.

Sleeping through the night:

There are many reasons for children not to sleep through the night.

Working with this one client and the family, it became very clear there was more going on than the child not sleeping.

When a child is sensitive they are aware of more than one can see with the naked eye. This brings in a different level to the sleeping patterns.

When we sleep, or our physical body is resting, our Soul goes to work. This is how we remember dreams etc.

For a sensitive child, this time is magnified and can be very scary.

Working through the process with the child and family we were able to identify what was going on and figure out a good solution for everyone.

Let's have a discussion to look at the options.